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Writer's Reviews - One Hundred Years of Solitude: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The critical-literary analyses offered by WriTribe are a thousand words long. Each has been compiled with the intention of providing writers not only with a general introduction to the works presented, but also to reveal the added value inherent in each of them.

1,000 words go far beyond mere criticism or superficial praise; they are intended to point you to one or more secret elements, showing you what narrative techniques are masterfully employed by the author of the work in question.

Written with the unique perspective of an author for authors, reviews aim to point out to you what added value you can glean from twenty literary classics. With this in mind, choosing the reading best suited to your need will prove much easier.


Cover of One Hundred Years of Solitude by  Gabriel Garcia Marquez


One Hundred Years of Solitude

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The work at a glance

Published in 1967, writer Garcia Marquez's novel features a rather complex and intricate plot. The book recounts several generations of the Buendía family following their cyclically intertwining destinies and is set in the fictional village of Macondo, inspired by Colombia, the author's homeland. The story begins with José Arcadio Buendía and Úrsula Iguarán, the founders of Macondo, whose descendants will be conditioned by a series of extraordinary events.

Indeed, the Buendía family is marked by a prophecy that its members are destined to be tormented by eternal loneliness. These characters experience love stories, wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries and a series of extraordinary events that are repeated over time through their generations. As the story unfolds, the village of Macondo undergoes a transformation from a small and isolated community to a more modern and industrialized city.

However, the fates of the members of the Buendía family seem to be irreversible and marked by that mysterious curse. Therefore, the Buendía family is often affected by loneliness and a sense of isolation, despite their family ties and relationship with the Macondo community.

One Hundred Years of Loneliness represents an exciting and engaging journey through a complex family saga, interweaving the history of the Buendía family with that of Colombia and also of all humanity.


What you can learn from reading this work

  1. Exploration of a particular genre: magic realism

  2. Character construction

  3. Narrative structure: the family sagas

  4. Cultural and historical impact


The novel represents a paradigmatic example of the genre of magical realism, of which Garcia Marquez is both precursor and master, in which fantastic and surreal elements are interwoven with everyday reality. This alternation of narrative planes that shift from the imaginary to the real creates a unique and fascinating atmosphere. Therefore, first and foremost, reading One Hundred Years of Solitude means entering a true fantasy world and allows you to stimulate your creativity by constructing a multifaceted story.

In terms of writing style García Márquez is known for his evocative and poetic prose, which is very evocative, strongly characterized and enriched by numerous metaphors. The Colombian author uses language creatively and expressively, and as he has been an inspiration to many writers, so can he be a stimulus for building his own narrative voice.

The novel, moreover, is an example of a rather complex structure not only because it puts into prose the numerous events that cross several generations, giving rise to a true family saga, but also events that are repeated and intertwined in time in a circular way because at some point they return, thus also affecting the size and time frame of the whole story.

Garcia Marquez is also a master in the characterization of characters: the protagonists of One Hundred Years of Solitude are all vivid and complex, never flattened or in any way similar, because each possesses their own peculiarities and a destiny that sets them apart. Universal themes emerge in the events that populate the story: love, passion, the concept of memory, power, loss and abandonment. But it is particularly through loneliness, which marks the fate of the protagonist family, that the author investigates the soul of his protagonists, making it a true example of a treatise on the human condition.

Another not at all secondary element is the relationship between the events and the setting in which they take place and in which each individual's relationship with his or her land emerges. Hence, in the depiction of the village of Macondo, one can glimpse the tormented history of the South American continent, always in an interweaving of fantastic and real elements. This has led the novel to have a considerable cultural and historical impact and makes it clear how important it is to place one's work in a distinct socio-cultural context.



One Hundred Years of Solitude is now regarded as a landmark work of Latin American literature precisely because of its magical realism and has become one of the novels that have most influenced 20th century fiction. Indeed, Garcia Marquez succeeded in creating a unique and evocative literary world precisely by virtue of the magical realism that he masterfully put into prose, thus consecrating him among the great storytellers of history.

The importance of his masterpiece also lies in having made known a world, a continent-South America-perceived at times as distant, controversial, multifaceted in its vastness but which would assume an important and decisive role in world geography and history. One Hundred Years of Solitude created a veritable collective imagination that captivated millions of readers and still fascinates: the colors, flavors, culture, beliefs, and magic of that people - evoking that land and also the troubled history of that part of the world - came out of the borders to explode in all their power at every latitude.

One Hundred Years of Solitude, therefore, is a full part of Latin American culture and traditions, of which it is an authentic representation, depicting the complexity and nuances of its society, its constituents and its political dynamics, telling them and making them known to the general public, which was, and still is, fascinated and captivated by them.

One Hundred Years of Solitude won numerous awards including the Nobel Prize in Literature awarded to Gabriel García Márquez in 1982, thus confirming the novel's success and importance in the history of world literature. The stylistic innovation it saw take shape through the narrative archetype of magical realism has inspired many writers starting with Isabelle Allende, a Chilean author who is now world-famous and whose works, for the most part, draw inspiration from and are influenced by Garcia Marquez's magical realist narrative.

Not only that, these narrative characteristics can also be found in Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses, one of the most controversial and hugely successful literary cases on the contemporary scene in which the Indian writer makes extensive use of magical realism mixed also with a certain type of folklore.


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