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Writer's Review - Pride and Prejudice: Jane Austin

The critical-literary analyses offered by WriTribe are a thousand words long. Each has been compiled with the intention of providing writers not only with a general introduction to the works presented, but also to reveal the added value inherent in each of them.

1,000 words go far beyond mere criticism or superficial praise; they are intended to point you to one or more secret elements, showing you what narrative techniques are masterfully employed by the author of the work in question.

Written with the unique perspective of an author for authors, reviews aim to point out to you what added value you can glean from twenty literary classics. With this in mind, choosing the reading best suited to your need will prove much easier.


Cover of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin


Jane Austen

The work at a glance

Pride and Prejudice, first published in 1813, is set in the English province of Hertfordshire in the early 19th century. The plot revolves around the love story between Elizabeth Bennet, an intelligent but also witty young woman, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a proud aristocrat.

The protagonist of the story is the Bennet family of five daughters, all of whom aim to find a wealthy husband as soon as possible so that they can secure their property and assets for the first male heir. Therefore, when the rich and noble Mr. Bingley arrives in the neighborhood, he immediately begins to be courted by all the maidens in the area, including the eldest of the Bennet sisters, Jane.

Elizabeth, the protagonist, on the other hand, is an independent woman; she meets Darcy, Bingley's friend, but at first does not feel at all attracted to the man whose snobbery she notices. As time passes, however, Elizabeth and Darcy begin to get to know each other better and understand each other, thus revealing their true personalities. Elizabeth discovers that Darcy is not only a rich and proud man but also has a good and generous soul; Darcy himself begins to respect Elizabeth's intelligence and independent personality.

Despite difficulties and misunderstandings, the two will eventually fall in love with each other. However, Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship will be tested by several obstacles, including social prejudice and the bad influences of some people close to them. In the end, however, the two lovers will manage to cope with adversity, overcoming both pride and prejudice and thus realizing the fulfillment of their love.

Pride and Prejudice is one of Jane Austen's most famous novels and a great classic of English literature of all time. The plot deals with universal themes such as social differences, pride and prejudice, love, and the assertion of women's independence.


What you can learn from reading this work:

  1. Style and narrative skills

  2. Dialogue construction and use of satire

  3. Elements of the romance genre

  4. Social analysis and characterization of characters


Jane Austen is considered one of the greatest English authors and a literary model starting with her writing style remarkable for its precision, elegance and subtlety, factors from which all her narrative skills emerge. Let us begin to analyze them by starting precisely with the construction of the novel's building blocks: the protagonists, the setting and the dialogues.

Indeed, in Pride and Prejudice we find a wide range of characters who are very complex in their personalities but well-developed. In fact, Austen manages to delineate their psychological characteristics to the best of her ability, such as the desires that will lead them to face different challenges, offering a deep look that investigates their thoughts and emotions: all valuable insights to create realistic, convincing and believable characters.

They move in a very specific social context, the English province of the late 18th century, in which decisive cultural elements such as the presence of a certain social hierarchy, the role of women and the conventions associated with marriage emerge. The ability to explore these themes in a subtle but no less incisive way is to be taken as an example for how literature can make people reflect on social dynamics in any age.

However, this analysis, in Pride and Prejudice, occurs with a particular literary artifice: that of social satire. This is expressed mainly through the construction of lively and witty dialogues in which the element of satire, which becomes precisely social criticism, allows the contradictions present in that specific context to be brought out even with the expedient of a joke, funny or irreverent.

But, above all, Pride and Prejudice represents one of the classics of the romance genre in which appear all the elements and archetypes that will determine its success, starting with the love story between Elizabeth and Darcy, a classic example of the development of a complex and engaging relationship because it sees the overcoming of trials, obstacles, challenges, conflicts, with the presence of antagonists and the evolution of feelings between the characters, until the conclusion with the crowning of the dream of love, the classic happy ending.



Pride and Prejudice is a decisive work in the history of literature because with it Jane Austen helped to define and shape the genre of the modern novel as we understand it today; in fact, it can be considered a pioneering example of a character novel because it focuses on the psychology of the characters and their interpersonal relationships rather than on external events, a feature that will have a lasting impact on the fiction of the years to come. But it is especially in the model of representation of women that Austen will inspire a new generation of women writers.

Indeed, the novel offers a unique view of female characters and their struggles within the patriarchal society of the time. Female protagonists, such as Elizabeth Bennet, demonstrate intelligence, wisdom and autonomy, openly challenging the cultural perspectives of the time regarding the role of women.

Not only that, Jane Austen's great ability to create an engaging pace and compelling narrative has captured readers' attention since it was first published. The construction of a perfectly structured plot, the presence of lively dialogues through which social criticism is made explicit through, as we have seen, the use of satire, all contribute to making the novel so engaging and exciting that it still maintains its popularity today and wins more and more readers.

Hence, despite being set in the 19th century, the novel's tackling of universal themes such as love, pride, prejudice, and family and social dynamics-which continue to be relevant and appreciated by modern readers-has allowed it to remain one of the most beloved and widely read works of English literature over the centuries and to decree its worldwide success.

In conclusion, Pride and Prejudice marked a turning point in literary history due to its narrative innovation, its portrayal of strong and independent female characters, and its subtle social critique, so much so that the influence of Jane Austen and her work on fiction and the portrayal of women in literature continues to be recognized and appreciated to this day.


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