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Third-Person Omniscient Point of View in an Animal Liberation Scene

An abstract-style image depicting a serene forest clearing where a young boy is releasing an injured hawk he has nursed back to health. The boy, shown in a fluid and dreamlike manner, opens his hands to the sky, with the hawk soaring upward. The forest is represented with swirling, colorful patterns and shapes, capturing the essence of nature and freedom. The boy's parents are subtly depicted in the background, blending into the abstract forms. The overall mood is peaceful and uplifting, emphasizing harmony and connection with nature.


Introduction: This exercise is designed to practice writing from a third-person omniscient point of view, where the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters. This perspective allows for a comprehensive understanding of the narrative and the dynamics between characters.

Situation: In a secluded forest clearing, a young boy prepares to release an injured hawk he has nursed back to health. The hawk, initially wary of the boy, has grown to trust him. Nearby, the boy’s parents watch with mixed emotions, proud of their son's dedication but worried about the hawk's ability to survive in the wild. The forest itself is teeming with life, providing a rich backdrop to this poignant moment.

Writing Exercise: Write a scene from the third-person omniscient point of view, capturing the thoughts and emotions of multiple characters in the clearing. Highlight the interactions between them and the atmosphere of the setting.

Suggestions and Development:

  • Shift smoothly between different characters' perspectives, including the boy, his parents, and even the hawk.

  • Provide insights into each character's thoughts and feelings, such as the boy's hope and anxiety, the parents' pride and concern, and the hawk's cautious readiness.

  • Use descriptive language to create a vivid picture of the forest clearing, the surrounding wildlife, and the emotional gravity of the scene.

  • Show how the characters' stories intersect, even in small ways, such as the parents recalling their own childhood experiences or the boy's bond with the hawk reflecting his own need for freedom and adventure.


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