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Incipit: The seamstress

Close-up image of a seamstress hand holding a dressmaker's scissors and cutting a lobster-colored fabric.


Third person

Literary genre



4 of 5

Anna did not deserve to be treated like that. It wasn't fair. Not after twenty years of work. She had always remained silent, her head bent over the sewing machine in that small seamstresses' room at the Teatro Massimo. She who had patiently stitched with needle and thread Otello's shirts, Madame Butterfly's skirts, the hem of Tosca's red dress and Rigoletto's black pants. And then those of the extras, dozens of dresses to be altered. No, she didn't deserve that. She grabbed the scissors and headed to Madame Teresa, whose back was turned to her.

Incipit Adaptability

High adaptability to creating non-genre stories, thrillers, action. Good adaptability to science fiction, fantasy, post-apocalyptic or adventure novels. Mediocre adaptability to urban fantasy.

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