A character's cultural and social background includes his origin, the environment in which he grew up, and the cultural influences he received. This characteristic is critical to creating realistic and believable characters, as a character's background influences his or her beliefs, values, and worldview.
A well-defined cultural and social background can be combined with other characteristics such as personality and values to create complex and multifaceted characters. In addition, cultural and social differences can generate interesting conflicts between characters, enriching the plot.
Variants of cultural and social background
Social origin
Level of education
Cultural exposure
Family traditions
Religious influences
Political influences
Travel experiences
Family history
Rural environment
Urban environment
Languages spoken
Historical context
Economic situation
Family structure
Parents' occupation
Access to resources
Social networks
Knowledge of the arts
Culinary traditions
Social norms
Social expectations
Participation in cultural events
Knowledge of technologies
Media influence
Community relations
Sports activities
Participation in social movements
History of migration
Experiences of discrimination
Influence of globalization
Contact with different cultures
Multicultural education
Role of gender
Intergenerational interactions
Participation in religious traditions
Level of social mobility
Access to higher education
Participation in online communities
Influence of subcultures
Personal history of success
Personal history of failure
Artistic influences
Traumatic experiences
Participation in cultural ceremonies
Exposure to foreign languages